Paphiopedilum Orchids – How to Guarantee Beautiful Paphiopedilum Blooms Everytime

Paphiopedilum Orchid CarePaphiopedilum orchids are one of the easiest orchids to grow. Give them basic orchid care and soon they’ll be blooming. They usually grow on forest floors and sometimes on branches and birch trees. They produce flowers in every single color you can imagine – that is why growing them is so satisfying.

Some of these types of orchids can bloom for a year, having one flower blossom each time. This is why they are called sequential bloomers. They are tough and a perfect choice for beginners.

In order to guarantee the beauty of your paphiopedilum blooms you need to make sure that all the growing requirements are met. Moreover, going above and beyond just doing the basics is a sure way to achieve vibrant and robust blooms. You want to make sure that the plant is extremely healthy. To help you with this, here are few tips you should follow:

Classify its type. This is a very important step in successfully growing healthy paphiopedilums. This is very the first step to take. Classifying them incorrectly could mean death to the plant. Basically they are classified into two classes: the warm section and the cool section. These two classes of paphiopedilums have varying orchid care requirements.

Warm paphiopedilums can be determined through their spotted leaves. They are often grown in small greenhouses and other similar structures. They can also be grown beside closed windows and require a growing temperature of no less than 50°F. They are typically harder to grow compared to their cool counterparts.

Luckily, most paphiopedilums grown today are usually cool ones. The cool paphiopedilums grow best outdoors and beside indoor windows. They are considerably one of the easiest orchids to grow, especially for beginners.

Provide the best light possible. In order for paphiopedilums to bloom they will need adequate sunlight, but this doesn’t mean hours of direct sunlight. This will cause them to burn and even lose their blooms. Typically you can follow the orchid care rule for most of these plants; give them all the light they can stand without burning them.

You know your paphiopedilums are getting the correct amount of light through their leaves. Dark green leaves means that they are getting too much and yellowish ones mean they are not receiving enough. The perfect color would be yellow-green. This means they’re receiving just enough.

If you don’t have access to regular sunlight, these plants can also be grown under artificial lighting. A fluorescent bulb 6 to 12 inches above the leaves will ensure them growing healthily.

Grow them in the correct temperature. Paphiopedilums prefers intermediate temperatures of 70-80°F during daytime and 50-60°F during nighttime. Longer exposure to cooler temperatures for weeks at a time will successfully produce blooms. This is especially true for some of its variants with clusters of flowers.

Keep their roots moist. An orchid care tip that applies to most terrestrial orchids is to always keep their roots moist. Paphiopedilums grow best in composts that support moisture; one favorite among orchid growers is leafmold.

A trick that many growers use is placing an inverted tray filled with pebbles with an inch of water at the bottom of the pot to provide extra moisture and humidity.

Provide adequate drainage and air circulation. Because they do need lots of moisture in their roots, sometimes we can overwater them. And this is a big no-no. Overwatering can surely kill your orchid. In order to prevent this from happening to your paphiopedilums, you have to give them adequate drainage.

You can do these by placing pebbles at the bottom of your pots, filling them about a third of the way up before placing your compost. This will keep the roots cool and moist while draining away excess water.

Another tip for these plants is to provide a good source of fresh air. Air movement means the compost dries up fast allowing you to increase the frequency of your watering. This also makes your plants less susceptible to fungal and bacterial infection due to stagnant air.

Follow these few tips and in no time you will be having your healthy paphiopedilum orchids blooming with vibrant and robust flowers.

And to learn even more paphiopedilum orchid tips, download my totally FREE 5-Day Orchid Insider training course by going here: Free Orchid Care Course.

Your Comments

10 Comments so far

  1. phil witman says:

    Might give one a try.

  2. Frank Robeniol says:

    Mine seems sick due to their leaves I will try this method hopefully I can revive them
    Just re-planted all my catty’s new orchids bark and very mall amount of potting soil.

  3. madeleine reilly says:

    What is the nick name for this Orchid?

  4. Wendy Edwards says:

    Hi, just want. To say. Thanks. For your. Advice
    My Nack for growing orchards. Leaves a lot
    To be diseried
    But with your help. Maby it’s possible

  5. Gloria says:

    How long will LADY SLIPPER last after opening??

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